Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released the KEA VAO Hall Ticket 2024 PDF download for the recruitment of Village Administrative Officer (VAO) posts on its official website at cetonline.karnataka.gov.in.
The KEA kar nic in 2024 hall ticket download link is the required document to enter the examination venue which provides you with important updates including exam venue, shift, timing, and others.
The compulsory Kannada language exam for Village Administrative Officer (VAO) posts is scheduled for September 29, 2024. Check the article here for the Www cetonline Karnataka gov in KEA download link and exam details.
KEA VAO Hall Ticket 2024 Pdf Download
- Visit the official website of Karnataka Examination Authority Cetonline.karnataka.gov.in.
- Click on the “VAO Admit Card 2024” link on the home page.
- Provide your login credentials using the link provided on the home page.
- Candidates will get the required admit card in a new window.
- Download it and save it for future reference.
The Vao hall ticket download link download link is active on the official website of KEA and you can download the hall ticket after providing your login credentials on the link.
You can retrieve all the required credentials including the user ID and password shared earlier by the commission. You can check the notification for details in this regard.
KEA VAO Exam Selection Process
- Written Test.
- Documents Verification.
Vao Hall Ticket Download Link
The written examination for Village Administrative Officer Recruitment is scheduled for October 26, 2024. The compulsory Kannada language test for this will be held on September 29, 2024.
Detailed information about the recruitment drive for the Village Administrative Officer is given above. Candidates can download the hall ticket after providing their login credentials on the link. However, the admit card can be downloaded directly through the link given above.
Documents Required for the VAO Exam 2024
- A printed copy of the KEA VAO Hall Ticket 2024.
- A valid photo ID card for identification purposes, such as Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, PAN Card, or Passport.
- Recent passport-size photographs taken if required by the VAO exam authorities.
Candidates appearing for the exam must ensure that they carry certain documents to the VAO exam centre.
Www Cetonline Karnataka gov in KEA Exam Timing
The compulsory Kannada language exam will be conducted across the state on September 29, 2024. The exam will be conducted from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
A total of 1000 Village Administrative Officer (VAO) posts will be filled across the state under the recruitment drive.
KEA VAO Exam Date 2024
Exam Date | 29th September 2024 |
Entry Into Exam Hall | 10 am |
Distribution of Paper | 10: 25 am |
Exam Commence | 10: 30 am |
Exam Concludes | 12: 30 pm |
Details on VAO Hall Ticket
- Name and personal details of the candidate.
- Roll number given to the candidate.
- Date, time and place of the examination.
- Instructions about the rules and guidelines to be followed during the examination.
KEA VAO Hall Ticket contains important information that every candidate must read carefully. It includes the above details.
KEA VAO Kannada Exam Pattern
- KEA VAO Kannada Language Exam consists of 100 objective type multiple choice questions for a total of 150 marks.
- There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
- A total of 1.5 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.
- The time duration of the exam is 02 hours.
- In the compulsory Kannada Language Exam, candidates must score a minimum of 50 marks to qualify the exam.
THE KEA VAO Admit Card 2024 link has been activated on the official website https://cetonline.karnataka.gov.in/kea/. Candidates have to fill in their application number and applicant name (first 4 letters of the name). All the exam-related information including exam date, time, venue, etc. is given on the candidate’s respective KEA VAO Hall Ticket 2024.
KEA VAO Minimum Qualifying Marks
- Minimum qualifying marks are the set of marks that a candidate needs to score to pass a particular stage.
- Candidates who fail to score these minimum qualifying marks are rejected again and will have to apply again the next year.
- The minimum qualifying marks for the written exam are not yet released by the official authorities. Stay tuned!
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KEA Kar Nic In 2024 Hall Ticket Download Link
KEA VAO Hall Ticket 2024 has released the VAO Hall Ticket 2024 download link for the recruitment of Village Administrative Officers. The mandatory Kannada language test for the posts of Village Administrative Officers is scheduled to be held on September 29, 2024.
To download the hall ticket, candidates have to provide their login credentials using the link provided on the official website. The hall ticket is the essential document to enter the examination venue which provides you with important updates including the exam venue, shift, timing, and others. All those candidates who have successfully applied for Village Administrative Officers (VAO) can download their admit card from the official website www cetonline karnataka gov in KEA.
KEA VAO Exam Cut-Off Marks
- Total number of vacancies: A higher number of vacancies will mean lower cut-off marks and vice versa.
- Difficulty level of the paper: The difficulty level of the paper will have a direct impact on the performance of the candidate and thus affect the overall cut-off marks every year.
- A total number of candidates: If a large number of candidates are competing for the post, it will lead to tough competition and thus higher cut-off marks.
The cut-off marks are the minimum marks that a candidate needs to score to pass the exam. Several factors decide the Karnataka Gramin Accountant cut-off marks.
Karnataka Examination Authority VAO Hall Ticket 2024
This exam is being conducted to fill 1000 posts of Village Administrative Officer (VAO). It is a great opportunity for interested and eligible candidates to get selected among those 1000 posts.
Applicants selected only after they clear both the Kannada language test and written exam will be directly posted as VAO for both RPC Cadre and Kalyan Cadre in various districts of Karnataka.
KEA VAO Hall Ticket 2024 Link for Admit Card will be activated in the 3rd week of October 2024 on the official website of Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) @www.cetonline.karnataka.gov.in/kea/.